Greetings from the Chairman of the Board

I am pleased to welcome you to the official website of Joint-Stock Company “National Center of Space Research and Technology”.
Availability of basic and applied science in the country is the sign of a highly developed state. It is impossible to understand the laws of nature and matter development without space research. Space technologies have always been the most advanced technologies that gave a powerful impulse to the development of applied science and industry, the results of which are used by the mankind today.
Certainly, the development of scientific research is the issue of global competitiveness for Kazakhstan.
Science, like no other branch of human activity, requires popularization and recruits. We are also interested in competent and well-trained professionals and make serious efforts to ensure that our employees improve their professional and scientific level.
Owing to the policy of our President, the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev and President Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, the development of scientific activity in Kazakhstan gained new impulse and is classified as the priority area of the economy.
Our Republic is worthily represented on the map of the world space science by the “National Center of Space Research and Technology”.
I hope that this website will help you to get necessary information and become the effective dialog platform for discussion of general interest issues.
Best regards,
Marat Nurguzhin,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician of the International Academy of Informatization and the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan